the tongue

He is in a dream the translator of his owner and his manager . And the tongue is the object of sin . If he sees in his tongue an increase in length or width, then it is his strength and won his opponents, or it indicates a filthy tongue or eloquence and etiquette . If the tongue is tied, then it is obstruction of business and poverty as well . And if black hair grows on the tongue, then it is an urgent evil . And if it is white, then it is a future evil . And the tongue is Kamal and Hajjah and mentioned . And if the Sultan saw that his tongue was cut off, his translator would die . And whoever sees his wife’s tongue cut off, she is chaste and hidden . And if a poor person sees that he has cut off a poor’s tongue, he will defeat it . And whoever sees his tongue sticking to his palate, truly deny him and the essences he has entrusted with . And whoever sees that he eats his tongue, he regrets what he speaks, and if it is from the governors, then he eats people’s money with his tongue . And it was said : Whoever eats his tongue, he is a lot of silence, an anger-suppressing person, a gentleman . And whoever sees his tongue black, then he prevails over his people with his tongue, and if he is a villain, then he is a liar or a poet . And whoever bites his tongue will stifle his anger, and may indicate his binge eating . And whoever sees his tongue split in half, he shall be a liar . And whoever sees that he has many tongues, he will have children . And whoever sees that people lick his tongue, they seek his knowledge . The tongue may refer to the king to his deputy, his concierge, his minister, or his clerk, and perhaps he refers to hoarded money, prestige and knowledge . It may refer to the policeman or the servant of the prisoners . If the king sees that his tongue has been cut off, it indicates the removal of his deputy, his concierge, his minister, or his clerk, and perhaps he has lost a lot of money . And if the scientist saw that his tongue had cut off, he would be defeated in his argument and debate, and perhaps his servant, student, or son died . And perhaps the loss of the tongue indicates the gloating of the enemies of his family or his neighbors or the death of those he loves . Perhaps losing the tongue and cutting it off the wife’s divorce, or his speech being cut off from the place where he is, or his livelihood nullified from him . And if he saw a cut tongue, he indicated the death of a lawmaker, a street sweeper, a traitor’s punishment, a man who pulls out caches, or an evil man . And if he sees that he has a tongue with his tongue indicates gossip and speech among people because it is said : So and so with two tongues and two faces. If the extra tongue does not prevent speech or benefit, then perhaps it indicates truthfulness and courtship, for God Almighty says : (And give me a tongue of truth in others ). And whoever sees poetry sprouted on his tongue, and his making of words, his system corrupts him . And perhaps the tongue pointed to the captive or the serpent in her lap .