
If a person speaks in a dream in various languages, he indicates that he has a great possession of the story of Solomon, peace be upon him . Likewise, the words of birds to the seeker, who are heralds of attaining a great king, and knowingly and precisely . And the words of the bird are all good and good, and whoever sees that the bird spoke, his status will be elevated, and whoever sees that the serpent spoke his word with gentle words, he will be pleased and good by an enemy . And whoever sees that an animal is his word, then he will die, because God Almighty says : ( And when the words fall upon them, we will bring them out of the earth to speak to them ). And whoever sees that his head or nose has spoken, what is attributed to that organ is lacking or a severe blow to it, and his word is a tree indicating that he has acquired something that people wonder about . And the child’s words whatever he said in a dream is true . Perhaps hearing the child’s words indicated falling into the forbidden . And the words of inanimate objects, peace or sermon . And the animal’s speech might have been torture and curse . And the trees are high . The words of the dead are trial, and the words of the prey, distress from the family, and the commission of sin . And speaking of everything, if the Book of God or the Sunnah of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, agree or be reasonable is acceptable and subject to interpretation, and it is good for its owner and must be followed, and what is contrary to the Book of God or the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him, is forbidden and must be avoided . And if something from his members speaks to him, then it is advice that must be accepted by his family and relatives, because they are the martyrs on the Day of Resurrection with God Almighty against the denial of his action with them . The words of the wall warn of separation and mankind with the effects, because the believer feels anxious about them as someone who speaks and talks about them . The words of the trees are evidence of a quarrel . The words of the enemy in a dream indicate the expiration of the period of desertion, and the previous one was preceded by words . And the words of God Almighty to the servant in his sleep on the Day of Resurrection, in particular, indicates raising the status, closeness to the rulers of affairs, righteous deeds and good conduct, and indicates the king’s attention to the subjects with grace and honor . If the seer is one of the people of abstraction, he is stripped of the world and embraced the Hereafter .