
It is in a dream easy livelihood without fatigue . If the pomegranate is sweet, then it is total money . And the pomegranate may refer to the woman, and it may have been a big ball . And the pomegranate is money and a boy . The pomegranate is interpreted as a thousand dirhams, one hundred or ten, according to the case of the visionary . The pomegranate crossed to the Sultan in Medina, so he broke it, conquered the city, peeled its wall, and its men loved it, and its money lubricated it . And whoever eats the husks of a pomegranate in his sleep will be free of his illness . The pomegranate is explained by the closed box . Perhaps she indicated the bee house . If the love for the pomegranate is white, it indicates the dirhams, and if the red indicates the dinars . If the pomegranate is crossed with a woman, then it is of beauty, and if it is correct, then it is virgin, and if it is broken, then it is a virgin, and a rotten pomegranate is a chaste woman, and a sour pomegranate is forbidden money, and it was said : It is worry and distress . Whoever sells a pomegranate is a person who has chosen this world over the Hereafter . The vague pomegranate, which is not known is sweet or sour, is like sweet . The pomegranate tree is a man of religion and prestige, and its thorns prevent him from sin and immorality. If he was a sultan, he defeated the sultans, and if he was a merchant, his trade increased . Cutting the pomegranate tree indicates cutting the uterus, and perhaps the pomegranate tree indicates panic . And it was said : Sweet pomegranate is a permissible livelihood with fatigue, and its sourness is their distress .