
It is in a dream falsehood and misfortune . If the sound is beautiful, then it indicates a beneficial trade, and if the sound is not beautiful then it is a losing trade . And the singer is a wise man, a scholar, a male or a preacher . And whoever sees a place where he is being enriched, lies there with a lie that separates the love of loved ones by an envious plot . And singing in a dream denotes evil and conflict because of the change of movements in the dance . And whoever sees that he sings poems with a good melody and a beautiful voice, this is good for singers, melodies and musicians . And whoever saw that he was singing bad singing, that indicates unemployment and poverty . And whoever sees in his sleep that he is walking on the road and singing, that is better . And whoever saw that he was singing in the bathroom, this indicates that his words are not clear . And whoever sees that he is singing in the market or in a large area, this is bad for the rich and indicates scandals and ugly things that they fall into, and it indicates in the poor that their minds are gone . And whoever sees that he is singing in a market while he is one of the pious, then he will attend a trial that occurs in that market, and the singing of the villains in the market indicates the lack of their minds .