
Mud is in a dream, for whoever walks in it will get strife and hardship . And whoever sees that he is walking in mud, then they are fearful . Mud, if the patient sees it, is long after his illness, unless he sees that he has come out of it . And if the patient walks through it, he will enter into calamity or prison . And kneading the clay and striking it with milk is not good because it is indicative of grief, affliction and strife . The affliction of mud is a quarrel and distress, and it may indicate religion or talk in the show, and perhaps it indicates pregnancy for a woman with a male child, because God Almighty says : ( And we created man from a strain of clay ). And the mud indicates disrupting movements and cutting prayers . And the mud about if I missed it . Perhaps the mud was a tablet for the reader, and perhaps the mud indicated pride in blessings, polytheism, or thinking about God . Perhaps the mud was a sign of bad, difficult manners . And if the land was arid and he saw mud in a dream, it was good news for him that there was plenty of grass . If the mud was from a well, it indicated inheritance and the appearance of the pond, or deposits and secrets . See also clay .