
Smoke is in a dream a horror and torment from God Almighty, and a punishment from the Sultan . Whoever sees smoke coming out of his shop or his house, it will fall into good and fertile after horror, scandal and fever, and that will be on the authority of the Sultan . If the smoke is under a saucepan with meat in which it is cooked, then it is good, fertile and joyful after the horror it receives . If the smoke is something that has no stink, then it is horror, followed by ugliness and scandal . And whoever sees that the smoke may shade him, he will have a fever . And whoever is hit by the heat of smoke in winter and summer, it is distress . Seeing smoke is a great horror and intense fighting, and if it is burning, then it is a terrible killing that affects people, and if it is not inflamed then it is gathered without war, and sedition without fighting . And smoke in a dream if it harms people and blinds them to their eyes, was evidence of worries, anguish and injustice, or the torment of God Almighty with annihilation or drought . Perhaps the smoke indicated the news from where it appeared .