The anointing

The oil is in a dream all cloudiness except for oil . Whoever saw that he was off his head, he would be grumpy if he exceeded the amount and asked . If it does not exceed the known amount, it is a decoration . And if it smells stinky, then it is an ugly praise for the extent of its scent and its power . And whoever anoint the head of a man in a place he denies, let the object in it beware of the subject of flattery and slyness . If he sees that he has a flask of oil, then he takes ointment from it and anointed himself with it or anointed people with it, then he anointed, or swore a liar or a slanderer . If he sees that his face is greased, then he is a man who fasts all ages, and anointing with mercury is a good praise and a good wind in people, and if the oil in a dream is a lump or pain, then it indicates the self-repair, and the stained fat is an ugly praise, and it was said : a woman who was an adulterer or an immoral man . And whoever contains the fat with water in a bowl, he gets money without fatigue . If there is musk or perfume in the oil, then it is a good compliment for something that is not in it . And it was said : Whoever anointed his head, he would anoint his boss .