See the jinn

And whoever sees that the jinn whispers in his chest, it indicates his diligence in worshiping God Almighty and his engagement in obedience, and whoever sees that a jinn has kidnapped his garment. If he is a worker who is isolated or a farmer, he will be harmed, and whoever sees that behind him is a genie, then he indicates the victory of the enemy and whoever thinks that he is capable of the jinn while they obey him, then It indicates the attainment of honor and the rank of the Sultanate, and whoever sees that he is bound by a jinn, then he is victorious over the enemy, and whoever sees that he is in the hands of the jinn, then he indicates his eloquence, and whoever sees that he knows the jinn of the Qur’an, it is his leadership, and whoever sees that a jinn entered his house then the thieves enter it and whoever sees that he is a jinn if he is A sick person died or a wanted person was imprisoned or concealed, otherwise he did an act of the deeds of the jinn, and whoever sees that he wrestled a jinn, he is quarreling, compromising, or defeating a man of cunning and resourcefulness, so most of them are compelling to his owner