See the mountains

Whoever sees that he is the king of a mountain, then he owns a man who is impregnable and hard-hearted, and whoever sees that he leans on him, he will resort to a man as well and stick with him, and whoever sees that he is on a mountain who has been able to put him on him, then he will strike a power from that man, and if he is rich or poor, he becomes rich or reconciled His condition or fearful security, and whoever sees that he is fleeing from a ship to a mountain, then he is damaged, and whoever sees that he has fallen from a mountain or descended from it, then his matter is not fulfilled, and whoever sees a mountain shook and shakes from its position and then settles down, then the authority of that land afflicts him with severity or disease, then his condition is fixed after that. He saw that the mountain was collapsed and penetrated, then the authority of that land and its great dies. And whoever sees that he is in a cave or intends to enter it, then that is a refuge and a shelter. And whoever sees that the mountain is walking, it indicates wars or turmoil that is between the scholars of people or an accident that occurs in the world. And whoever sees that a mountain returns butter, then it is not Good in it, which is false, has no truth