See snow

And whoever sees snow, it is fertile and mercy that it is not often much or little, if it is in its time, then it is fertile, and if it is not at its time then it is goodness from the Sultan or from his workers and if the snow falls in a place other than it will descend in it, then calamity and sickness descend there and whoever sees thunder or lightning has occurred The people of that land have great fear and the thunderbolts are more severe than that, and perhaps the thunder and lightning and the Sultan’s Day or his threat. Whoever hears thunder, he hears what he hates from the Sultan, and whoever sees a thunderbolt that falls in a country and burns its people, this is a power that descends in that country and causes corruption in it and there are wars of high prices or diseases And if he saw her fall without fire, then Sultan Muqbel would think that people thought badly and be saved from his misfortune, and if he saw her, she fell in his house. If her Lord was sick, he died, or his ways were a thief or the owner of the city ruled over him.