Seeing the nose

And whoever saw that a fly or something similar to it came out from his nose indicates that a newborn is born to him, and if he sees that something of that entered his nose, then it is not with Mahmoud, and whoever sees with his nose a tightness, his affairs are complicated and not that that is Mahmoud, and whoever sees that his nose has been cut, then it is a decline in status or an urgent death or falling With his scandal or the death of a son or wife, and whoever saw that his nose had grown large indicates great stature and an increase in honor, and whoever saw that he smelled a good smell. If his wife was pregnant, she would come to a child who walked, and it may be a relief for those who are in distress, and if the smell is unpleasant, then his expression is against that and whoever sees that he does not have The nose, it indicates the death of his relatives with pleasure and joy, and whoever sees that the color of his face is yellowish, it is interpreted in three aspects of sickness, isolation and fear, and whoever sees him blackened, it indicates that they are suffering and grief, and it was said that a daughter will be born to him, and whoever sees his face is well bleached, it is good news for his condition and the righteousness of his religion. In his face, he sees what he hates from him, and if he frowns in the face of others, then something wrong will happen from him