See the sun

And seeing the sun devolve to the sultan, whoever sees that he possesses it or is able to gain it from the sultan attains it, and whoever sees it without a ray of it, then a decrease in the possession of the sultan and its fall indicates isolation, illness or death, and whoever sees that it was eclipsed or prevented by accumulated smoke and thick clouds or blackened or yellowed or fallen From the sky, or its crime became greater, smaller, farther, closer, enlightened, or darker, he considered the state of the king in a way that suits him, and whoever saw that the sun prostrated to him, the sultan tends toward him and submits to him, or a broad justice takes place on his side, and whoever sees that he and the sun disputed him, the sultan disputes him to the extent that And whoever sees that two suns collide, they are two angels meeting, and whoever sees that he is prostrating to the sun or the moon indicates that he has committed a great sin, let him repent from him and whoever sees that the sun has risen in his house, and if he is a single he marries the people of the Sultan’s house and attains his authority as much as he saw from its light and whoever saw that the sun It has been absent or is absent, because the matter in which it is or sought from good or evil has passed, and whoever sees that the sun has risen without its beginning, then it is a sign and an event occurs and whoever sees that he has been hit by the heat of the sun, he has an injustice from the king or his deputies, and the sun also devolves upon the wife if It was for a sultan, a president, or a beautiful woman, and it is also interpreted in gold according to what is required of the state He is seen, and the sun may devolve with the moon by the parents, and if one of them falls or his light goes away, one of the parents perishes