Chill clothes

Al-Baroud ( Al-Yamaniyyah ) clothes, as it indicates the good of this world and the hereafter . The best clothes are cool and confused, and they are stronger in hermeneutics than wool . And cold striped in religion is better than in this world . And coldness from Albrism is forbidden money . The two creatures are garments clouded, so whoever sees as if he wore two garments of creation cut one on top of the other, indicates his death . The dress was torn casually, its width was torn off . And a torn dress length is proof of vulva, like survival and marriage . If a woman sees her shirt with short clothes, she is confined and her veil is violated . And whoever tears his shirt on himself, he quarrels with his family and invalidates his livelihood, if he wears shirts torn on top of each other, then this is his poverty and the poverty of his son . If you see the creation over the unbeliever, then it is his poor condition in his world and in the hereafter . And the ugly patchwork clothes were said to indicate loss and unemployment . Dirt is whether it is in the clothes, the body, or the hair . And dirt in clothes without fat indicates corruption of religion and the abundance of sins, and if it is with fat, then it is the corruption of the world, washing it from dirt is repentance, washing it from semen is repentance from fornication, washing it from blood is repentance from murder, and washing it from virginity is repentance from unlawful gain . And remove the dirty clothes, the removal of worries, as well as burning them . As for getting wet in a garment, it is an obstacle to travel, or from their command to it, and it is not completed until the garment dries up . And whoever saw that he had new rags of clothes, he would have broken money .