The dresses are woven with gold and silver

Clothes woven with gold and silver : Salah in religion and the world, and attainment of death . And whoever thinks that he owns a garment of silk or stabraq or wears it as a crown or a wreath of ruby, then he is a devout, religious, conqueror, and nevertheless attains his presidency . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if I had bought a folded brocade and spread it out, and there was rotten in the middle, and he said to him : Did you buy an Andalusian slave girl? He said : Yes . He said : Did you university? He said : No, because I have not yet healed her . He said : Do not do that, for she is pardoned . Then the man went and saw her the women, if she was spared . A man saw that he was wearing a brocade, so he asked an expressive and said : A maid will marry a beautiful virgin of equal value .