the elephant

The Elephant : There is a disagreement about it, some of them said that he is a huge king, and some of them said a damned man because he is a monster . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin, and said : I saw as if I were an elephant . Ibn Sirin said : The elephant is not one of the Muslim boats, I fear that you are against Islam . And it was said that it is a famous, great thing that is useless, because its meat is not eaten or milked . Some of them said : He who saw an elephant and did not ride it, would see a decrease in himself and a loss of his money . If his knees attain a huge and scarce possession, and he will prevail if he is fit for authority . If he was not fit, he met a war and did not win, because his rider is never in a plot, so he does not win, because God Almighty says : “ Did you not see how what he did to the companions of the elephant , ” and perhaps he was killed in it . If he kneels on a saddle while he obeys him, he marries the daughter of a huge, foreign man . If he was a merchant, his trade would be great . If he kneels from her during the day, then he divorces his wife and makes him ill because of her . Whoever shepherds a viola then frustrates the Persian kings, and they are led according to his obedience . If he sees that he is milking an elephant, then he is plotting a huge king and obtaining permissible money from him . And elephant dung the king’s money . He saw an elephant killed in his country, for the king of that town, or a man of its chief, dies . And whoever sees as if the elephant is threatening him or wants him, then that is sick, and if he sees as if he has thrown it under him and falls over him, this indicates the death of the person of the vision . If he does not throw him under him, then he will go into troubles and he will be saved . It has been said that the elephant is the king of hell . As for women, it is not a good guide however they see it . And it was said that he who saw as if he was speaking to the elephant would receive a lot of good from the king . If he saw that he was followed by an elephant running, he received a preparation from a king . And whoever struck the elephant with his trunk, he would be fortunate . And it was said that seeing the elephant in countries other than India, was severe and terrified . And in Nubia, a king . And the elephants fight two kings . The elephant is most indicative of the foreign sultan, and perhaps the great woman and the large ship, and also indicates the destruction and circle, when it came to those who brought the elephant to the Kaaba from the birds of Ababil and stones from the stone . And perhaps indicated by death . And riding it indicates the marriage of a single person, or boarding a ship or a load-bearing if he is traveling . Otherwise, he will gain power or gain control of a king, unless he is in war, for he is upside down and killed . And whoever sees the elephant out of a city, and its king is sick, he will die, otherwise he travels from it, or is isolated from it, or a ship traveled in it, if it was a sea town, unless there is an epidemic or an annihilation or distress, then it goes away from them by the elephant leaving them .