the Fox

The fox : a man who left a fraudster, who is very foolish in his religion and world, and whoever sees a fox eluding him, he is a foe who eludes him . And whoever saw that he was fighting a fox related to him . If he asks for a fox, he will be in pain among the husbands, and if he asks for a fox, he will be terrified . If a fox is injured, a woman loves her weakly, so if he drinks milk from a fox, he is innocent of a disease, if he has it, otherwise they will go away . And it was said that whoever saw a fox suffered in himself humiliation, and in his money a decrease, and some of them said the fox was an astrologer or a doctor . And it was said that he who saw that he touched a fox was dreaded by the jinn, and his meat was eaten by a quick-innocent disease, and the fox took victory with an opponent or an opponent, and from a fox player he gave birth to a woman he loved and loved . It was narrated that a man came to Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and said : I saw as if I was eluding a fox, so he said to him : You are a liar . The man was a poet . Came Ibn Sirin man said : I saw a fox if I will reward the best penalty , he said : Odzet no recompense, Fear God, you are a man liar . And the Magi said : Laughter saw what was between the east and the west had been filled with foxes, as if he were their shepherd, so he told his visions on a crossing, and he said : Magic and tricks abound in your time, and they appear in your country, and it was so .