
Al-Kalb : Its interpretation differed. Some of them said he is a slave, and it was said that he is a foolish tyrant who barks . And the lions are Arab, and he is a weak enemy with little chivalry, and the dog is a vile woman, so if his bite gets hated from her, and if a dog tears his clothes, then a mean man tears his display . And from eating the meat of a dog, it appeared on an enemy who struck from his money, and drank his milk with fear, and from a dog cushioning, so the dog at that time is a friend to seek help and seek help from it, and the dog points to the guard. And if he had an enemy or opponent who cursed him, or oppressed him, and if he had a slave who betrayed him, or a guard of his treachery, and if that was in the time of hunger he got something from him, then to the extent of the bite and its pain he would get it . And the dog is a vile woman of a bad people . Puppy : born lovable, black puppy Saddh on his family . And the white of his faith, and it was said that the dog’s pup is a bastard, a man whose people are foolish from fornication, and the dog is a fool, and a herding dog is money he receives from a chief, and the dog is an unjust enemy, and the well-defined dog supports its owner over his enemies, but he is sordid and has no chivalry . It was said that the owner of this vision attains power and sufficiency in living, and some of them said : In interpretation, dogs are indicative of harm, misery and disease . And the enemy, except in one place, and he is the one who takes toys and brash, for it indicates living in pleasure and pleasure, and the water dog is a false hope and something that is not fulfilled . And all types of dogs indicate a people of malice . And it was narrated that Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, saw in his sleep the year of the conquest between Makkah and Madinah, that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, came from Makkah among his companions, so a dog came out over them, and when they approached her, she lay on her back, and when her doctors were littering with milk . He recounted his visions to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : Their dog went, and he accepted a dirham, and they ask you for your relatives while you meet some of them, and if you meet Abu Sufyan bin Harb, do not kill him . And whoever turns a dog, God taught him a great knowledge and then stole it from it, for the Almighty said : “And tell them the news of Him who has come, and we will be separated from them .” It was narrated that a man saw that his wife’s vagina had two dogs being chafing, so he narrated his vision on a crossing and said : This is a woman who wanted to shave, so he excused the moose, so she slashed him with a pair of scissors, and the man came to his house and palpated his wife’s vagina, and he found the scissors trace .