
Whoever sees that it affects one or two soft fish : it affects one or two women . If he saw that he hit one or two pearls in the belly of the fish, then he struck one or two boys from them . If he struck her stomach with fat . It affects money and goodness from it . So is fish meat . And if there were more fish, it was money . If he sees that he has hit a salty fish that he eats after he comes into his hand and possesses it, then he is struck by a possessed, servant, or owned cause, and he suffers from him as much as he got from the salty fish, ate it, or struck it . As well as small fish and salty Kabbarah not the finest in it . And perhaps the nature of man contradicted the salty fish, if he saw it in his sleep he would have money and goodness, if the fish were old . It was the fish in which Moses, peace be upon him, said to his girl : We brought our lunch salty large, so Moses entered with concern . If he sees a live fish turning around in an unknown place, then if the fish is of the essence of women or servants, then perhaps a servant or something like it will turn in a denial of its command from its world or its condemnation . If he saw a fish that came out of his urethra, then he would have a slave girl, and if he saw that the fish came out of his mouth, then he speaks words that are confused about him . As for eating fresh fish, it is spoil and good, because it is from fishing .