
Al-Tayyar : It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin : So he said, I saw as if I was flying between the sky and the earth, so he said: You increase the mina . And whoever sees it as if he has roamed a mountain, he will obtain a state in which kings are subject to him . And it was said that whoever saw that he was flying, if he was worthy of the Sultan, he obtained it, and if he fell on something that he owned, and if it was not suitable for the mandate, it indicated a disease afflicting him that he is overseeing death, or a mistake from him falls in his religion . If he flies from surface to surface, he replaces his woman with another woman . Some of them said : Flying is a travel guide, if it is on a wing, then it is a transition from one state to another . If his flight has reached its end, he will gain good in his travel . And if he flies from land to land, he attains honor and an eye, when it was said : If a house sprouts you, then it turns, and if he flies from below to a height without a wing, his wish will be attained and he rises as high as he is . If he flies like a dove flies in the air, he will be honored . If he saw as if he flew until he disappeared into the sky and did not return, then he dies . And whoever flies from his home to an unknown home, then he turns from his home to his grave .