the hunter

Al-Sayyad : It has been said that he is a man who tends towards women and deceives in their request, because his earnings are in the form of deceit, and perhaps the hunter pointed to slavery, and perhaps he indicated the owner of the pigeon, the teacher of the book, and everyone who stalked people and hunted them with his industry and trickery . And perhaps the fisherman pointed to the pimp, so whoever mixes with a fisherman or returns to a fisherman, then he inferred to the goodness of what his hunting evidences of his corruption, in terms of his hunting and increasing his sleep and his ability in himself, and what is befitting of his likeness . If he was caught in the sea or what is permissible for him on land, then the meaning of fishing is valid . And if it is in the sanctuary or in what is not permissible in righteousness of torture then it is bad . And the lion hunter is a mighty, powerful ruler who breaks down soldiers and conquers the powers of darkness . And the hunter of linen, hawks and sparrowhawks, a great sultan of cunning and deceit for the wanton sultans . And a hunter of birds and sparrows is a merchant man who plots and deceives the noblest of people . And the monster hunter plots the people of Persians and subdues them . And fishermen with women and slave girls in particular, and treat them .