A vision of limitations – constraint

The restriction, for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : The most beloved of the record is the reward, and the restriction is a constant in the religion . If it is of silver, then it is valid in the matter of marriage, and if it is from zero, then it is steadfast in the matter of something unpleasant . And if it was made of lead, then it remains in a matter of weakness and weakness . And if it was a pregnancy, then it is steadfastness in religion, because God Almighty says : “And hold fast to the rope of God .” And if it is of wood, then it is proof of hypocrisy . If it is from a rag or thread, then it is a place in a matter that has no time . And if the person who is bound is a religious person or in a mosque, then it is his persistence in obeying God Almighty, and if he is of authority and saw with that the wearing of a sword, then it is his persistence in obeying God Almighty . And if he was from the children of this world, then he is steadfast in its juice . The restriction for the traveler is a hindrance to his travel, and for merchants the luggage of a lion they adhere to . What is concerned is the persistence of his concern . And the patient has the length of his illness . Whoever believes that he is bound for the sake of God, then he will strive hard in the matter of his children and abide by them . If he sees that he is bound in a town or in a village, then he is its settler. If he sees that he is bound in a house, then he is afflicted with a woman . If he sees the restriction narrow, then the matter is tightened for him . And the restriction of the delighted will continue and increase his pleasure . And if the bound saw that he had increased another constraint, if he was sick, then he would die in it . Although he was in prison, he was imprisoned long . And whoever sees that he is tied to a tree, he is locked in the matter of a hypocritical man . And whoever sees that he is bound while wearing green clothes, then his stature is in the matter of religion and the acquisition of a reward of great danger, even if it is white, then his stature is in a matter of knowledge, jurisprudence, beauty and beauty . If it is red, then his standing is in a matter of fun and joy . And if it is yellow, then his standing is in illness . And whoever sees that he is bound by a gold chain, he is waiting for money that has gone to him . If he sees that he is bound in a palace of bottles, then he accompanies a beautiful woman, and her companionship continues with him . And if he was on travel, he stayed because of a woman . And whoever sees that he is associated with another man in a chain, indicates the acquisition of a great sin, for which he fears the sultan’s revenge . For God Almighty says : “And you will see criminals one day, bound in handcuffs .” It was said that the restriction was originally aging and poverty . Some of them said that the restriction indicates travel, because it changes the gait .