Necklace and necklace

Necklace and necklace : They are for women, their beauty, adornment, and beauty, and a necklace made of pearls and coral, piety and awe while memorizing the Qur’an, as much as the smallest, beauty, abundance and danger of the pearl and whoever sees on it a necklace of gold, pearl and sapphire, a work of Muslims, or imitates trust, and the essence of the necklace is the jewels of his work and its amount And the end of it, and a necklace for men if she has silver money is evidence of marriage for a beautiful woman, and the ruby ​​and essence in it are good . If it is of silver and essence, then it is a state that is inclusive with money and joy, and if it is of iron then it is a state in strength, and if it is of zero then it is the goods of the world, and if it is of the beads of a mandate in weakness and weakness, and if it is attributed to a woman then it is a mean woman .