
Pearls : Pearls are regulated in the interpretation of the Qur’an and knowledge, so whoever sees as if he is piercing a flat pearl, then he interprets the Qur’an correctly, and whoever sees it as if he sold or swallowed pearls, he forgets the Qur’an, and it was said that whoever sees it as if he is selling pearls, then he pours a flag and spreads it among people . And inserting pearls in the mouth indicates good religion. If he sees as if he is scattering pearls from him and people take them while he does not take them, then he is a useful preacher of preaching . The pearl was said to be a woman he marries or a servant . And it was said that pearls were born, because God Almighty said : “ Two boys will circumambulate them when you see them, and you count them as pearls scattered .” The metaphor of pearls indicates a child who does not live, and the extraction of pearls from the bottom of the sea or from the river is permissible money on the part of some kings . Many pearls are an inheritance as well, and it is for the governor of the state, the world has a flag, and the merchant has a profit . The pearl is the perfection and beauty of everything . And whoever sees as if he is piercing a pearl with a tree, he will marry a woman who is forbidden . And whoever swallows pearls, he conceals testimony with him, and from chewing pearls, he backs people, and whoever sees it as if he vomits, chews and swallows it, he suffers from people and backs them, and whoever sees pearls much of what is measured by jumps and carries with reverence as if he extracted it from the sea, then he hits permissible money from the treasures of kings. As if he were counting pearls, it was said that they would suffer hardship . And whoever sees it as if he opened the door of a closet with a key and took out jewels from it, then he asks a scientist about issues because the world is a treasury and its key is the question, and perhaps this vision was a woman who would be able to conquer and give birth to Hassan’s children . And whoever sees as if he threw a pearl in a river or a well, he will make a favor to the people . Whoever sees it as if he has distinguished between a pearl and its shell, and takes the peel and throws what is in the middle of it, then he is a scavenger, and a large pearl is better than a small one, and perhaps a large one indicates the long wall of the Qur’an . And the uncorrected pearl indicates the boy, and if it is written then it is neighborhood, and perhaps his scattered indicates that it is recommended to speak, and the varieties of pearls, essence and others indicate the love of desires of women and boys . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw two men inserting pearls into their mouths . One of them comes out smaller than what he put in, and the other comes out bigger . He said : As for what I saw coming out small, you saw it to me while I was talking about what I heard, and as for whoever I saw it coming out big, I saw it for Hassan al-Basri and the act of worship speaking more than what they heard . And a woman came to him and said : I saw two pearls in my stones, one of which is greater than the other, so my sister asked me one of them, and I gave her the younger one, so he said to her: You are a woman who has learned two surahs, one of which is longer than the other, so I taught your younger sister . She said : I learned the cow and the Imran family, so did my sister the Imran family . A man came to him and said : I saw as if I swallowed pearls and then throw them, so he said: You are a man whenever you memorize the Qur’an and forget it, so fear God . Another came to him and said : I saw as if I was piercing a pearl, so he said : Is it your mother? He said yes, she was, and she was exiled. He said : You have a maid who bought her from captivity. He said yes. He said : Fear God, for your mother is she . And another came to him and said : I saw as if I was walking on pearls, so he said : Pearls are the Qur’an and should not put the Qur’an under your feet . And another came to him , he said : I saw as if my mouth is full of pearls and I retractor it is not narrated, he said : You’re a man improve the Koran and read it, you, he said : ratified . And another came to him and said : I saw as if there was a pearl in one of my ears that looked like an earring, so he said Fear God and do not sing the Qur’an . And another came to him and said : I saw as if the pearls were scattered from my mouth, so he made people take from it and I take nothing from it. He said : You are a storyteller who says what you do not do .