The treasure

Al-Kanz : denotes the woman’s pregnancy, because gold is young men and silver is concubines . Perhaps it indicated abundant money, or knowledge of the world, provision for the merchant and the guardianship of its people in justice . It has been said that treasure indicates martyrdom, and treasures are actions that a person can attain in many countries, and some said : Whoever sees as if he found a treasure with money indicates the severity of his affliction . And it was narrated that a woman saw a dead girl, and she said to her, “My intention, which works have you found good?” And she said you have the nuts, then divide them among the poor . She recounted her vision to Ibn Sirin, and he said : Let this woman give out the treasure that she has, so let it be given in charity, and the woman said, ask God for forgiveness, that I have a treasure that I buried from the days of the plague . And a man saw three consecutive nights as if he had come to him, so he said to him: Go to Basra, for you have a treasure in it, so carry it, and he did not turn to his vision until he told him to say on the third night, so he decided to go to Basra and collect his belongings, and when he returned it he made a ten-day tour around its sides Nothing appeared to him, and Ace blamed himself for what he had endured, so he entered a ruined day and saw in it a dark house, so he searched it and found a notebook in it and took it out and looked at it, but he did not know anything of it and it was written in Hebrew, and he did not find anyone in Basra to read it, so he went with it to a young man in Baghdad. When the young man looked at it, he asked him to sell it to him, but he refused and said : Translate it into Hebrew for me to pay it back to you, so he translated it for him and that book was in the expression .