Ear vision

The ear is the man’s wife or his daughter, and if he sees as though he has three ears, then she indicates that he has a woman and two daughters, and if he has four ears, then his visions indicate one of two traits, either he has four wives, or four daughters who have no mother . If he sees that his ear has broken from him, then he divorces his wife or his daughter dies . If he sees as if he has one ear, then no relative lives for him. If he sees as if he has half an ear, the vision indicates the death of his wife and his marriage to another . If he sees that he has a ring in his ear, he will marry his daughter to a man, and she will give birth to him a son . Religion was said to be the ear, and if he saw as if he stuffed his ears with something, his visions indicated disbelief . And if he sees it as if he has many ears, then he turns away from the truth and does not accept it, because God Almighty says : ~ Do they have ears by which they can hear? ~ And it was said that if the rich person sees homogeneous good ears, he hears good, pleasant news, and if they are not well formed, he hears many bad news . And whoever sees as if there are two eyes in his ears, he is blind, and he sees the things that he used to see with his eyes and hear them with his ears . And it was said that whoever saw it as if there were many ears, that is praiseworthy for those who wanted to have a person who would obey him, such as women, children and the Mamluks . As for the rich, it indicates good news that they receive if the call to prayer is a kind . If you are not good or well-mannered, then it is blameworthy news . As for the Mamelukes and the owners of the adversaries, who are accused of them, they indicate that his servitude continues, and he hears and obeys . The prosecutor indicates that the judgment binds him . And it was narrated that a person saw that he had twelve ears and more, then he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If he is a man of Mamluk and Hashem, then it is a good evidence of much good that he attains, and if he is rich, then he will receive news according to the number of ears from countries, because of a pension, and if he is owned, He was blamed and distressed, and if he had opponents, the judge sentenced him to many judgments, and he heard bad words, and if he was in a dispute, he won his opponents .