Vision of testicles

Testicles : The nakedness of the enemies with which they reach him, and if he sees his testicles cut off without any dislocation or harm to them, then his enemies will win as much as he gets from his testicles, and if he sees that his testicles are great or have strength beyond their destiny, then he is impregnable that his enemies will not reach him badly . Perhaps their interruption was the interruption of females from the boy, if there was evidence in the vision of good . Because the testicles are the two females, and the left egg is the boy, and if he sees that it was taken from him, his son died, and he was not born after him . If he saw that he gave her to others with the kindness of a soul from him, and she was from him, then a child is born to him without maturity and the child is attributed to someone else . If he sees that his testicles are in the hand of a well-known man, that man will gain it . If the man is a young man then he is his enemy, and if he sees that he is a lord, he will hit money that his enemies cannot secure . And he saw a man as if he had ten males and had no testicle, so he told his vision on a crossing and said to him : You will have ten sons, and no female is born to you . As for the pubic area : its decrease is valid in the Sunnah, and the increase in it is money and power obtained from the side of a non-Arab man . If he saw as if he had looked at his pubic hair and he did not see hair on it as if it had never sprouted, he indicated a stone on him in the money or two losses he would have . If he has a lot of hair to pull it through the ground, then he will gain a lot of money with corruption in debt, and a waste of years and chivalry .