
Camel : As for camels, if they enter a city without a device, or walk in a way other than a horse, it is clouds and rain . As for the one who owns a camel, he defeats men of predestination . A single camel is a man, and if it is from the Arabs then it is Arab, and if it is a fortune, then it is a non-Arab, and the answer to it is a traveler, a sheikh, a eunuch, or a famous man . Perhaps the camel indicated Satan, when it was reported that Satan is at its climax . Perhaps it indicated death because of his solemnity and the horror of his creation, and because he pleads with loved ones to faraway places . And perhaps he indicated the ignorant, hypocritical man, for saying to the Most High : ~ They are nothing but like sheep .~ And it indicates a patient man’s pregnancy . Perhaps he indicated the ship, because camels are ships of land . It indicates sadness when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ~ Riding a camel is grief and fame .~ If the patient saw that he was riding a camel for travel, he died, and that was his coffin and his fame . And whoever rides a camel and is healthy, he travels, unless he rides it in the middle of the city, or sees him not walking with it, for he will experience grief while preventing him from getting up on the ground, such as confinement and disease due to the distance of the earth from him, and fame : if he sees that revolting against the authority or the creation will endure over the kings He is taken and perished, especially if there is something that adds to his well-known clothing, unless he puts it on a load-bearing or a stretcher, for he may seek the help of a huge man or be able to it . If his knee is a woman who does not have a husband, she is married, and if her husband is absent, he will take it before her, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates evil and scandals, for she is famous for that among people . As for whoever saw a camel that entered his throat, watering, or utensil , then he is a jinn who enters it or whoever indicates that vessel from his family and servants enters . And whoever sees a camel mutilated in a house, then the lord of the house dies if he is sick, or his servant, servant, or superior dies, especially if his flesh is separated and his bones are separated, this is his inheritance . And if he was slaughtering him in order to eat it and there is no sick person, then that is a storehouse that he opens, or an amendment that permits him to obtain his bounty . But if the camel is in the middle of the city or among a group of people, then it is a man with a keel, who is killed or dies . If he was slaughtered, then he was wronged, and if he was slaughtered alive, his authority was gone or removed from him, or he took his money, and whoever saw a camel eating meat or seeking the role of people, then he eats of it from every house an unknown eater, then it is an epidemic that is in people, and if he is chasing them, then it is a ruler or an enemy Or a torrent that harms people, so whoever breaks it, breaks a member of it, or eats it, he will be damaged in that as much as he has received . As well as the elephant, giraffe and ostrich in this face . A train of camels in the winter is a towing guide . It was said that riding an Arabian camel is a pilgrimage, and whoever falls off a camel will become impoverished . And from his spear a sick camel . And whoever was caught on a camel, he was struck by money and grief, and a quarrel fell between him and a man . Eden saw as if he was hard on him, grieved by a strong enemy . If he takes the camel’s hook and leads it to a well-known location, then it denotes a spoiling man to goodness . And it was said that the camel is driven by its reins, evidence of the submission of some chiefs to it . And whoever tends a godfather camel will gain guardianship over the Arabs, and if it is Bakhatti over the non-Arabs, and whoever sees as though he has taken from its wells, he will have the money left, and if he sees two camels fighting, a war will take place between two great kings or two men . And whoever eats a raw camel’s head, he will backbite a great man . Riding a camel for those who see it will travel with it, and if he sees that he is milking camels, he will hit forbidden money . And whoever eats camel meat, he will get sick . And whoever gets struck from its meat without eating, gets money from the reason that camels are attributed to in the vision, and camel skins are heirlooms .