From the vision of the righteous -9

Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin Muhammad and Yahya told us on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Adawi, on the authority of Abu Amr Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Wasafa, on the authority of Abu al-Qasim al-Bazzar, who said : Ali bin al-Muwaffaq said : I performed a number of pilgrims and fifty pilgrimages, and I made their reward for the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman And Ali, may God be pleased with them, and my parents, and there remained one argument . He said : I looked at the people of the situation with Arafat and the noise of their voices, so I said, O God, if there was someone among them who did not accept an argument, then this argument was granted to him, so that it would be its reward for him . He said, so I spent that night in Muzdalifah, and I saw my Lord, Blessed and Exalted be He, in a dream, and he said : O Ali bin Al-Muwaffaq, Ali, shall you be generous? I have forgiven the people of the situation and likewise with them and multiplied that, and I intercede for every man among them for his family, his family and his neighbors, and I am the people of piety and the people of forgiveness .