From the vision of the righteous -5

Abu Ya’qub Ishaq bin Badran al-Faqih told us in Makkah, on the authority of Ibrahim bin Al-Arar, on the authority of Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, on the authority of Muhammad bin Al-Hussein, on the authority of Saeed bin Khalid bin Zaid Al-Ansari, on the authority of a man from Basra who attends the graves, he said : I attended a grave one day, and put my head Close to him, then two women came to me in my sleep, and one of them said : O Abdullah, God pleaded with you not to distract us from this woman and not to adjacent to us with her . He said, I woke up in panic, and then a woman’s funeral was brought, so I said the grave is behind you, so I sent them to that grave . When it was night, behold, the two women were in my dream, one of them said : May God reward you for us, for you have spent a long time from us . I said : What is the matter of your friend? Do not talk to me as you talk to me. She said : This one died without a will, and the right of those who died without a will not to speak until the Day of Resurrection .