Juice and squeezing

Juice and juice : very good, so whoever undertakes that in a dream, I will look at his condition, and if he is poor, he will be rich, and if his visions for the public are as if they were squeezing grapes or oil or other other things in every place, and they were so fertile and released . If he sees that he is sick or imprisoned, then he escapes from his condition by leaving the pressurized from his imprisonment, and if he sees that he has returns or debts, then he must pay it and benefit from it . And if he sees that, the seeker of knowledge and Sunnah will understand him and squeeze his opinion from his chest . And if he sees this as a celibate, he gets married, then his sperm will come out and he fertilizes his livelihood . If the juice was too much, and he had figs, wine, or milk with sultan . And whoever saw it as if he squeezed grapes and made it wine, he gained favor with the Sultan and obtained forbidden money for the story of Joseph, peace be upon him .