
Snakes : they are enemies, because the accursed Satan pleaded with Adam, peace be upon him . And the enmity of every serpent according to the extent of its affliction, its bone and its mark, and it may be infidels, and the owners of heresy, because of the poison it has . Perhaps it indicated the adulterers, their bites, and their character, and perhaps life was derived from its name, such as seeing in the acres or flowing under trees, with water and torrential rains, and they likened blowing it to the water . The serpent may be a ruler, or she may be a wife and a child, because God Almighty says : “ One of your wives and your children is your enemy, so beware of them. ” And whoever kills or fights a serpent, fights an enemy . And eat its flesh, money from an enemy, pleasure and elation . And if you bite him in two halves, take justice from his enemy . And from his living word with soft and kind words, he struck a good that people would like about him, and if he saw a dead snake, then he is an enemy that God suffices for his evil without strength and power . And her eggs are the most difficult enemies, and their blacks are the most difficult . If he saw that he was a king of the great blacks of life in a group, he would lead the armies and obtain a great king . If he strikes a smooth serpent who obeys him, and neither a sneaker nor goodness hurts, then he struck a treasure of the kings’ treasures, and it may have been his grandfather if it was in this capacity . And whoever fears a snake and does not see it, then it is security for him from his enemy, and if he sees it and fears it, then it is fear, as well as all fear, and likewise everything that fears it and does not see it, and the snake’s exit from the urethra is born, and whoever enters a snake into a house deceived by his enemy, whoever sees that he took it, then he He gets money from an enemy who is safe, because God Almighty says : ~ Take it and do not fear .~ A little snake was born . And if he saw the snakes fighting in the market, war would take place and he would gain victory over the enemies . And the serpent is the authority of a silent enmity, and if he sees that a snake comes out of his remembrance once and returns to him once, then he is betraying him . And the snake is a woman, so whoever sees that he has killed a snake on his bed, his wife dies, and if he sees a snake in his neck and cuts it three pieces, then he divorces his wife three times, and the snake’s legs and fangs are the strength of the enemy and the severity of his cunning . And whoever transforms a serpent, then he transforms from one state to another, and becomes an enemy of the Muslims, and if he sees his house full of snakes he does not fear, then he harbors in his house the enemies of the Muslims, the owners of passions, and the aquatic creatures with money, and if he sees in his pocket or his sleeve a small white snake he does not fear. Because it is his grandfather, and if he sees a serpent walking behind him, then his enemy wants to deceive him, and if it walks between his hands or revolves around him, then they are enemies that mix with him and cannot harm him, and if he sees a life entering his house and leaving without harm, then they are his enemies from his household and his relatives, if he sees it Not in his home, enemies are strangers . And the flesh and fat of the snake is the money of an enemy through, and an antidote from an enemy. If he sees serpents fighting on every side, then slays a great snake from them, then he owns that town . If the slain snake was like all other serpents, then one of the king’s soldiers was killed , and if the snake was ascending at a height, he became comfortable, joyful and happy, and if he saw a serpent descending from a height, a chief died in that place . If he sees a snake emerging from the earth, then he is torment in that place . If he sees his garden full of life, then it is the garden that grows and the plant in it increases and lives . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if a snake was pursuing it and I was following it, so it entered a burrow, and in my hand a lid was placed on the burrow . He said : Are you engaged to a woman? He said : Yes . He said : You will marry her and inherit her, so he marries her and she died for seven thousand dirhams . Another saw as if his house was full of life, so he recounted his visions to Ibn Sirin and said : Fear God and do not harbor the enemy of Muslims . A woman came to him and said : O Abu Bakr, a woman saw two burrows from which whales came out. Then two men rose to them and took milk from their heads, so Ibn Sirin said : The snake does not milk milk, but rather exudes poison . And this is a woman with whom two of the leaders of the Kharijites enter, who invite her to their doctrine, but they invite her to insult the two sheikhs, may God be pleased with them . As for the life of the abdomen, they are relatives, and its exit from the man is a misfortune for the man’s neighbor .