
The brushes : so indicate the wife and stuff her meat or fat . The mattress may refer to the land on which a person turns carelessly, until he moves from it to the Hereafter . Some of them said to the bed that is known to be its owner, or its eye or its location, for it is his wife . What is seen in him in terms of goodness, corruption, or more than what is described in the servants as well, the juvenile is in the woman attributed to the bed . If he sees that he has replaced that mattress and switched to someone else like him, then he will marry another, and perhaps he will divorce the first, if his conscience is not to return to that bed . Likewise, if he sees that the first bed has changed from his condition to what he hates in interpretation, then the woman dies or receives what is attributed to what she has turned into . If a transformation was to be desirable in the interpretation, then it is to review the first woman in good condition and form as far as he saw the transformation in it . If he sees his bed shifting from position to position, then his wife is transformed from one state to another, in proportion to the merit between the two positions in terms of gentleness and capacity, and the agreement between them or one of them . If he sees another mattress like it or better than it or less with the mattress, then he marries another according to what he saw from the appearance of the mattress, and he does not differentiate between silks and slave girls in the interpretation of the mattress, because they are all women, and the interpretation is the same . And whoever sees that he has folded his bed and placed it towards the side, he will be absent from his wife or absent from him or avoid her . If he sees something that indicates division and dishonor, then one of them dies on behalf of his friend, or a divorce takes place between them . If he sees an unknown mattress in an unknown location, it strikes the ground according to the quality and appearance of the mattress . If he sees an unknown or known bed on an unknown bed while he is sitting on it, then he strikes a power in it that surpasses men and conquers them because the bed is of wood, and the wood is the essence of men who are mixed with hypocrisy in their religion, because the family is the councils of kings . Likewise, if he saw his bed at the door of the Sultan, he would assume the mandate . And if we give the bedding to the woman, the softness of the mattress is her obedience to her husband, the capacity of the mattress is the capacity of her creation, the fact that it is new indicates her softness, the fact that it is from the brocade of a Magi woman, and its being of hair, wool or cotton indicates a rich woman, and being white is a woman of religion, and being polished indicates a woman She does what does not please God, and being green is a diligent woman in worship, the new is a beautiful and concealed woman, and the torn woman has no religion . Whoever sees as if he is on a mattress and does not sleep, then he wants to approach his wife and does not prepare for that, and if he sees as if someone else tears his bed, then he is betraying him in his family .