
Al-Hassa : denotes men and women, young women, and counted white dirhams, because it is from the earth and on memorization and counting, because of the knowledge or poetry suffered by the student, the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones, the cruelty and distress, and the insults and slander . Whoever saw a bird descended from heaven to earth, then picked up a pebble and flew with it, and if that was in a mosque, a good man or one of the righteous people perished from it, and if the visionary was sick, and he was among the good people or someone who also prayed in it, and no one involved him in the disease. Those who also pray in it, then the person with the vision is dead, and if he picked up the pebble from a church, the consideration for the patient’s corruption is like the one we presented, and if he picked it up from a house or from an unknown place, then the patient of the person who had the vision from a child or other is lost, as for the one who picked up a number of pebbles and their fate In his garment or swallowed it in his stomach, and if he picked it up from a mosque or a scholar’s house or a male circle, he counted from knowledge and the Qur’an, and he benefited from the remembrance and the statement as much as he picked up from the siege . If it is picked up from the markets or from acres and tree roots, then it is benefits from the world, and in dirhams it consists for him on the cause of fruits or plants or from trade and brokerage, or from asking and giving charity to each person according to his concern and habit in his awakening . If his capture is from the sea, then gifts from the Sultan if he serves him, or benefits from the sea if he trades in it, or knowledge he acquires from a scientist if that is his request, or a gift and a link from a wealthy wife if she has a son or something similar . As for whoever threw it into the sea, his money went into it . And if he throws her into a well, he takes money to marry or buy a servant . And if he threw it in a rainy or under conditions of food, or in a storehouse of the sea, he bought with what he had or as much as he threw it, a trade that is evidenced by the place in which he threw what was with him . The common people say : So-and-so threw what he had of dirhams into wheat or oil or something else . If he threw them an animal, such as a lion, a monkey, a locust, a crow, and the like . That was during the days of the Hajj, and it was heralded by the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones in the future of his command, because the origin of the throwing of the stones is that Gabriel, peace be upon him, commanded Adam, peace be upon him, to throw the Devil when it was presented to him, and it became Sunnah for his son . If this was not done during the days of Hajj, the pebble was his supplication against an enemy or an immoral person, or cursing and insulting him, or testimonies to testify against him . And if he threw them against these races, such as pigeons and Muslims from among the people, the man would be a backbiter, speaking in the righteousness and the women protected .