
The Kaaba : Perhaps it indicates prayer because it is the qiblah of the worshipers, and it indicates the mosque and the mosque because it is the house of God, and it indicates the one who follows him and is guided by his guidance and returned to his command and does not contradict others, such as Islam, the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the Qur’an, the Sultan, the ruler, the scholar, the father, the master, the husband, the mother and the wife, and it may indicate heaven. Because it is the house of God . Paradise is his home and he can reach it . And it may indicate what mosques and mosques indicate in terms of seasons, groups, markets and rehab . Whoever sees the Kaaba, his home will be sought by people and crowded at his door because of a sultan who can attain him or a knowledge that he teaches, or an honorable, high-ranking, sultan or hermit who marries . And if he was a slave, then his master freed him, because God Almighty freed his house from the hands of the mighty . But if he is around her or performs one of its rituals, then he serves a sultan, a scholar, a worshiper, or his father or his mother, or a wife or a master with advice, righteousness, labor and fatigue . And if he saw that he entered her, he would marry if he was single, and converted to Islam if he was an unbeliever, and he returned to prayer and righteousness if he was unaware, and to obey his parents if he was disobedient . Otherwise, he enters the house of a Sultan, a ruler, or a jurist for a matter that is evidenced by increasing his sleep and his conditions in his wakefulness, unless he is afraid while awake, for he is safe from whomever he wants . And if he is sick, then that is his death and his victory, especially if in a dream he was carried to her in a silent beard without speaking or wearing undressed clothes, then he will leave the world and respond to the call of God Almighty and lead, God willing, to Heaven . But if he saw her in a country or a locality, if the vision was specific to the one who saw it, and he did not see a group of people with him when he saw it, then look at his condition, and if he was waiting for the wife to have contracted her marriage and he had to wait for her, then her matter approached and was close to her coming, especially if he saw her in her locality or in his locality, And if he enters it while he is with him, it was given to him, and if he enters it, he will enter her in her house sooner quickly, because of the proximity of the Kaaba to it from after it and the difficulty of its distance, and if he sees it in that he was oblivious to his religion or neglected to pray, then it is a warning and a warning against him leaving what he has to do to direct it to it In his place, and likewise, if he is one who is obligated to perform Hajj and has overlooked him, he has lost his memory in itself and necessitated him to come to it, and if none of that and the vision of the common people was their gathering around it in a dream and their noise in her in dreams, then either a just ruler comes before them, or a ruler or A scholarly man or a male imam who comes to the pilgrimage of people or travel far away, or leaves his home after an accident that happens to him or an obligation that obliges him or a dead person dies to him, then people follow him and circumambulate around him praying for him and blessing him and so on .