The vision of the sun and its interpretation 2

The struggle of the sun goes out against the king, and the diminution of the sun’s rays will degrade the king’s prestige . If he sees the sun split in two halves, then half of it remains and the other is gone, then it comes out to the king outside, and if the remaining half follows the golden half and joins and returns to a healthy sun, then the outside takes the whole country, and if the going half returns to the remaining half and the sun returns as it used to be his king returned to him and he won the outside . If each of the two halves becomes the Sun on his own, then the outside possesses what is with the king from the king, and becomes his counterpart, and takes half of his kingdom . If he sees the sun fall, it is calamity for the values ​​of the earth or for the parents . If he saw as if the sun had risen in a house and lit up the whole house, the people of the house would have glory, dignity and sustenance . And whoever saw that he had swallowed the sun, he would live in a heavy life . If he saw that, the king would die . And whoever is hit by sunlight, God will give him great treasure and money . And whoever sees the sun descended on his bed, he will get sick and inflamed his body . If he sees as if he is doing good to him, he indicates fertility and left, and indicates in many people the health . And whoever the sun takes something from him or gives him something, it is not Mahmoud . One of the indications of good deeds is that a person sees the sun in its normal form and habit, and an increase or decrease in it may be harmful . And whoever finds the heat of the sun and takes refuge in the shade, he will be saved from grief . And whoever finds cold in the shade and sits in the sun, his poverty is gone, because the cold is poverty . And whoever is able to see the sun when it is black and muddled, the king is obliged to him in any matter . And it was narrated that the judge of Homs saw as if the sun and the moon were killed, and the planets separated, so it was split with the sun, and it was split with the moon . He recounted his visions on Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him . He said to him : Which one were you with? He said : With the moon . Umar read : “ So we erased the verse of the night and made us see the verse of the day .” And he diverted him from the work of Homs, so he ruled that he went with Muawiya to two rows, and he was killed . And whoever sees the sun, moon, and stars gathered in one place and their king, and they have light and rays, then the saying is acceptable to the king, the minister and the presidents . If it is not light, then there is no good in it for the visionary . If he sees the sun and moon looking down on him, his parents are satisfied with him . If they do not have a ray, they are angry with him . If he sees a sun and a moon on his right and left, in front of him or behind him, then he will be afflicted with fear or calamity and defeat, and he is forced to flee with it, because God Almighty says : “And the sun and the moon have gathered together, and the person shall say that which is the day of escape .” And the blackness of the sun, moon and stars and their rotation, change the blessings in this world . And a solar eclipse, happened with the king . And whoever sees clouds covering the sun until its light is gone, the king will get sick . If he sees it not moving in the clouds or coming out of it, then the king will die, and the sun may have been a scientist who knows how the clouds evacuated, then sadness will evacuate from him . Moon : Originally the minister of the greatest king, or a sultan without the greatest king, and the stars around him are soldiers . And his homes and dwellings, or his wives and maidservants . And perhaps he indicates the scholar and the jurist and all the evidence that he guides, because he is guided in the darkness and shines in the public . It indicates the boy, the husband and the master, and the wife and son, for his beauty and light, likening him to the beauty of women and men, so it is said as if the full moon was as if it were a lunar moon . Then his accidents are interpreted and practiced as similar to what was previously mentioned in the sun, and it may indicate an increase or decrease, because it increases and decreases, such as money, works and bodies, along with the previous pronouncement of traffic, such as a patient who sees at the beginning of the month has descended on him or brought him to him, then he will wake up from his problem He is spared from his illness . And if it is a month short, then its age is gone, and its deadline approaches the amount left of the month, it may be days, and it may be a collection, months, or years, with evidence added to that in a dream or in waking life . If he descends at the beginning of the month, or if he appears absent from his place, he has left his place and has come from his journey . And if that was at the end of the month, after traveling and leaving his homeland . And whoever sees him with him or in his lap or in his hand, he will marry a husband according to his light and light, whether he is a man or a woman . Aisha, may God be pleased with her, saw three moons that fell in her room. She recounted her vision to her father, may God be pleased with him, and said to her : If your vision is true, three are buried in your room, they are the best of the people of the earth .