Seeing a walk

As for walking and taking the road, whoever sees that he is walking or a horse is walking slowly with him, then he is glorified and honorable and whoever sees that he is walking in dust, he gets money sooner and if he walks in sand, then he is busy work and if he walks on thorns and his pain, then he will hit some of his family and whoever sees that he is walking on a road intending Ijtihad, because he is on the path of truth and religion, and whoever sees that he has strayed from the path or deviated from it, he is straying from the truth and the method of rightness in his religion or his worldly level as much as he strayed from the path. It is dark, it is a delusion in his religion, and if he sees that he is emerging from darkness into light, then he comes out from misguidance to guidance, and whoever sees that he is walking on a road, objected to him that which prevents him from the road from an animal, inanimate or a plant, then he has reached the last of his command and demand