
Honey is in a dream money from halal inheritance, or money from spoils or company . Honey for the people of the religion is the sweetness of religion, the recitation of the Qur’an and the deeds of righteousness, and for the people of this world it is a spoil injury without fatigue . Honey is a little livelihood from a face that is tired . If he saw that the sky rained honey, he indicates Saladin . Perhaps honey indicates the sweetness of a woman or a man, as it came in the hadith : until you taste his honey and he tastes yours. Perhaps honey indicates worry, bemoaning, envy, and guarding against the plots of envious ones, because honey collects flies, wasps and ants . Honey filtered with fire released after hardship, was born after the end of his months, and a wife after the end of her iddat, and money that may be inflated with zakat, knowledge that is saved from heresy and suspicion, and guidance that is not yet misguided . Pure honey is money . And it was said : It is money in fatigue . Honey is a cure for illness . And it was said : Eating honey indicates the hugging and kissing of a beloved . And whoever eats bread with honey, he will gain a living from the spoil .