
Swamp Swamps denote burdens You will feel under their weight that attempts to rise are futile . The disease and other worries may bother you . If you walked in a dream in swampy lands, this foretells that circumstances will turn against you . You will worry about a promised inheritance, and conflict will erupt in your emotional relationships . If you walk in a swamp with clear water, plants and greenery, you will ride dangers and difficulties to reach success and prosperity in living and enjoyment . If you dream that you are in a swamp, then you will be unable to meet the challenges and duties . If you see others in a swamp, you will mourn the failure of others . Sometimes this dream foretells that you will be ill . If you dreamed that you walked in a swamp, this foretells that you will get sick because of worry and exhaustion at work, and you will be sad about the perverted behavior of someone close to you . If you dreamed that you walked in a swamp, this foretells a temporary shock to your dreams and desires as a result of sudden changes in your surroundings .