Vulva after distress and distress

The relief after distress and distress 99 – – On the authority of Khalid bin Yazid Al-Azdi, Abdullah bin Yaqoub bin Dawood told me, he said : My father said that the Mahdi locked me in a well and built a dome over it, and I stayed there for fifteen pilgrims until the succession of al-Rasheed passed, and every day a loaf and a cup of water were given to me He instructed the times for prayer. When the head of the head of thirteen pilgrims came to me in my sleep and said : We are on Joseph, Lord, so he brought him out from the bottom of a hollow and a cloud around him. He said : I thanked God and said : The vagina has come. He said : I stayed around and I did not see anything, so when the head of the year came, that came. The next one said to me : May God bring him to Faraj that he has something every day in his creation. He said : Then I set up a circle and I see nothing. Then came that coming after the year and said : May the distress in which I have gone will be a relative relief, so he is afraid, and the stranger comes. : when he became Naudet , I thought that I Oozn pray Vdly Li black rope and told me : I will harden his midst , and I did Vokhrgeony when I met the light syncope optical Vantlgulwa Pei introducing a complimentary on good and was told : peace on the Commander of the faithful, I said : Hail to the Commander of the faithful and God ‘s mercy and blessings be upon you , Mahdi said : I am not in it. I said : Peace be upon you, Commander of the Faithful, and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you Oh, Al-Hadi said : I am not with him. I said : Peace be upon you, the Leader of the Faithful, and the mercy and blessings of God. He said : Al-Rasheed, so I said : Al-Rasheed. He said, Ya Jacob, the son of David, God did not intercede for anyone, except that I carried a girl for me on my neck tonight, and I mentioned carrying me on Your neck and I fell for you from the place I was in and I brought you out. He said : Honored me and approached my seat. He said : Then Yahya bin Khaled disguised me as if he feared that he overcame the Commander of the Faithful without him, so I feared him, so I asked for the Hajj, so he gave me permission, and he was still residing in Mecca until he died there (1) .