Dead complain about the pain of a certain member

If he sees a dead person complaining of his head, then he is responsible for his negligence in the matter of his parents or his boss, and if he complains about his neck, then he is responsible for wasting his money or preventing him from friendship with his wife . If he complains about his hand, then he is responsible for his brother, sister or partner, or the oath he swore by lying . If he is complaining beside him, he is responsible for the woman’s right . If he complains about his stomach, he is responsible for the rights of the father and relatives, and for his money . If he sees that he is complaining about his man, then he is responsible for spending his money without Allah’s pleasure . If he sees him complaining, his thigh, then he is responsible for his clan and cut off his womb, and if he sees him complaining about his legs, then he is responsible for his destruction of his life in falsehood .