
Swimming Whoever saw in a dream swimming in the sea, and was aware of that, reached in knowledge his need . And it was said : Swimming is imprisonment, so whoever sees that he is swimming on land, he will be locked up and get tight in his confinement, and he stays there as much as swimming is difficult or easy, and as far as his proximity to land . If he sees that he is swimming in a flat valley until he reaches a place he wants, then he enters into the work of a mighty and oppressive sultan, and a need is asked of him and he fulfills it, and God Almighty secures him as much as he runs in the valley, and if he fears him, then he fears our authority . If he enters the sea and swimming in it better, then he enters into a major matter or a great state . And he is able to gain power and glory and strength, and if he swims on his back, he repents and returns from his disobedience . And if he swims in the sea and its water is stagnant, then he enters into the work of a king and he is disturbed by the work, and the king will be angry with him, and if he crosses the sea then he is saved, and if he swims while he is afraid, he will gain fear, confinement or sickness, in which this will extend to him as far as his distance from the land, and if he thinks that he is not He is dragged, then he dies in that worry, and if he is bold in his swimming, then he is spared from that work. If he sees a sultan who wants to swim in a sea, and the sea is turbulent with a wave, then he is facing a king among the kings, and if cutting the sea by swimming kills that king, and every sea has dried up then he will go A state, and if he sees that the water has returned, then the state is back . And if he sees that he is swimming in a river or lake and that he is suffocating like a fish lying on the ground, then that person exposes him from the distress in the water, like what is exposed to fish on land . And whoever sees that he is swimming, he contests against him, and defeats his opponent, and is victorious over him . And whoever saw that he went into the sea by swimming until he could not see, then that would be his destruction due to his cessation . If he saw that the water drowned him until he died in it, then he will die a martyr . Walking over water in a sea or river indicates his good religion and the validity of his certainty . And it was said : Rather he is certain of something that he is in doubt . And it was said : Rather, he travels in danger . And whoever saw the water flowing on its surface, he struck a blight from the Sultan .