Fear God

Fear God 103 – on the authority of Muslim Khayat, who said : A man said to Ibn al-Musayyib : I showed me urinating in my hand, so he said, “Fear God,” if a woman who is forbidden comes into contact with you, then look, and there is a woman between her and him with breastfeeding . 104 – And another came to him and said : O Abu Muhammad, I see as if I was urinating in an olive grove. He said : Look underneath you, a woman underneath you, whose marriage is not permissible for him . 105 – On the authority of Muslim al-Khayyat, he said : A man – meaning Saeed bin Al-Musayyib – said to him that I saw a dove that fell on the lighthouse of the mosque’s lighthouse, and he said : Al-Hajjaj marries the daughter of Abdullah Ibn Ja`far Ibn Abi Talib (5). Al-Hajjaj married Bint Abdullah bin Jaafar, so Abdul-Malik bin Marwan wrote to him intending to divorce her, so he divorced her . 106 – On the authority of Muslim al-Khayyat, he said : A man came to Ibn Al-Musayyib and said : I see that a goat is coming tightening the fold, and he said : Slaughter it, he said, slaughtered, he said : Ibn Umm Sala’a died, so what until he came that he had died, Muhammad ibn Umar said – means Allowavdy – was the son or Slae a man of loyal people of the city is seeking people 107 – a man of understanding Musayyib son he sees in sleep Konhh fighting in the fire , he said : if ratified Raaam do not die even ride the sea and die were killed, he said : he rode the sea shall be healed on doom and killed A new day (2) with a sword (3). 108 – from the hippocampus bin Obeid – Allah ibn Nawfal said : asked the boy did not generate me, I said to the son of Musayyib : I can see that he put in stone eggs, the son of Musayyib said : chicken Agamy ask a reason to the Persians, Vtsrit said Fuld Li was not Azld me (4 ). 109 – On the authority of Muslim al-Khayyat, he said : A man said to Ibn al-Musayyib : O Abu Muhammad, I saw as if I was sitting in the shade, so I got up to the sun , so Ibn al-Musayyib said : By God, if you were right, you would get out of Islam, O Abu Muhammad, I went out until I entered the sun and sat down. He said : You hate On the disbelief, he said : So he went out at the time of Abd al-Malik bin Marawan and was taken prisoner, and he was forced to disbelief, so he returned and then came to Medina, and he was given the choice with this (5). 110 – On the authority of Ghaleb Al-Aqili, he said : Saeed bin Al-Musayyib came to come and said : O Abu Muhammad, I saw magic on his face, as if Moses fought Pharaoh, so he said to him : Who is the victor ? He said : Moses defeated Pharaoh. He said and shouted at the top of his voice : “Ibn Marawan and the Lord of the Kaaba perished – three times .” Then he knew the owner of the city, so he went out until he stood on his head and then said : You wish the death of the Commander of the Faithful. I hope that God will kill you before him. Saeed said : Your story will be revealed to nine Days , he said : They stayed only nine days until a passenger came with his death and the newborn took his son .