Moroccan and Al-Ma’ajun

Jabir al-Maghribi said the vision of al-Maajun, if it does not contain anger, then it will be good and benefit for him, and if it is otherwise then his expression is against him, and if that is a benefit for the head and the eye, then it is interpreted by obtaining the benefit of the elders, and if it is a benefit to the chest or the heart, then it will get good and benefit from a great amount And if the benefit of that goes back to the noon, then it is a good and a benefit on the part of the fathers or whoever takes their place, and if it is a benefit for the abdomen or the side, then it gets a benefit for him from the mothers and children, and if it is a benefit for the thigh and the hip, then he gets a benefit from his relatives, and if it is a benefit for the leg Or a man, then he gets a benefit for him from travel, and if it is a benefit for the whole body, then he gets a benefit from all of his household, and if he sees collage, then he is provided by non-Arabs, and there is good and benefit from it .