Sleep is against perception, and vision is perception, so how does it meet sleep?

Sleep is against perception, and vision is perception, so how does it meet sleep? Imam Al-Asfari said : If sleep is generalized, there is no awareness, sleep or vision, and if the presentation of sleep is made by some soul, then the perception of the dream or the vision is carried out by others . Therefore, the dream or vision occurs when light sleep . This is in agreement with modern medicine that divides sleep into degrees and in the first degrees, dreams, dreams, relaxation, and storing of information occur in the transition from short memory to long memory, and if a person wakes up in it, he is active . See / Ali Kamal [93 97 d / Anwar soldier [306 343]. It is also said in the answer to the previous question : Just as the understanding is uneven and has its own people, reasons, inhibitions, and inhibitions, so also perception and sleep, each one of them has different people. Many and few, strength and weakness . The presence of a group for one of them does not mean that all the other people are absent from man. Some of this people may meet with the other. It was reported that when the angels came to the Prophet [ may God bless him and grant him peace ] some of them said that he fell asleep, and others said that the eye is asleep and the heart is awake .