The ram

He is in a dream an honorable and impregnable man . And slaughtering a ram to not be eaten, killing a great and honorable man or an enemy . If he sees rams slaughtered in a place, he will kill people there in war . If he slaughtered a ram, he would be victorious with a great enemy, and if he was sick he would be cured . And whoever sees that he rides a ram and drains it wherever he pleases, he will defeat a huge man . And whoever sees that he has broken the horns of a ram or one of them, he will provoke anger to a great man . And whoever sees that he is fighting a ram, he is fighting a great man . And whoever sees a ram died, then it is the death of a great man . And whoever sees that a ram is slaughtered and its flesh divided, then an old man will die and his money is divided . And if he slaughtered a ram for eating, if he was a freed slave, and if he was a captive, he survived, and if he was afraid, security, and if he was in debt, he paid his debt, and if he did not perform Hajj, and if he was sick, God Almighty would heal him . And whoever slaughters and flatters a ram takes the money of his enemy, and if he eats of his meat, he will eat from his money . If someone sees a slaughtered ram in his house, some of his relatives will die . He who sees that he bows a ram, and the Sultan will suffer torment or imprisonment, and the ram may be a guardian . And whoever sees that he comes with the heads of rams, he lays down with the heads of his enemies . Ram’s wool is money . And the ram denotes the muezzin or shepherd . And the ram is commander of the army . And whoever sees a ram jogging him, he will get something from his enemy that he hates, and if he guts him, he will be hurt . And whoever sees a sheep became a ram, then his wife is not pregnant, and even if he does not have a wife, he will gain strength, glory and victory over his enemy . And the black of the rams is attributed to the Arabs, and the white to the Persians .