
The kanun, if in a dream, is made of iron, it refers to a woman from a household of righteous and powerful people . And if it is from zero, then it is from the household of the owners of the world’s belongings and their decorations . And if it is of wood, then it is from the household of the owners of luggage in whom hypocrisy . And if it was made of plaster, then it is a household of people imitating the pharaohs . If it is of clay, then it is a household of religious owners . And the Canon indicates the state . And whoever sees a fire burning in a canon or an oven, this indicates the children of the visionary . And the kanon indicates the values ​​of the house, so whoever sees that he is lighting a fire in a canon without food, then he irritates a man with words of gossip or quarrel . If the destiny is the value of the household, then the woman is her husband . The Kanun may refer to the wife and destiny to the husband, as she burns it with her words while it is frying and fluctuating during her boil . If the kanon is empty of fire, it indicates worry and distress, and if there is fire in it, then it is the fulfillment of needs and sustenance . And the Kanun may refer to the lamp, the pulpit, and the postpartum chair, and indicate the accomplishment of things and the facilitation of the difficult, and perhaps the father or the mother or the pregnant woman, or the home for whomever descends . Perhaps the Canon refers to the month of Canon . He who owns a cannon or sees him gets married if he is celibate, and if he is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim, and if he is an immoral, he will repent because he is the place of fire, and the fire is intimidation and guidance .