The treasure

Treasure: Whoever sees in a dream that he has found a treasure, then it strikes a knowledge, if he is a seeker of knowledge, and if he is a merchant then he is rich in trade and generosity, and if he is a possessor of authority then he obtains guardianship and justice . And whoever sees that he has found treasure in which there is little money, then slight distress is exposed to him, and if there is much money in it, then it indicates distress and grief, and it may indicate the death of the seer . And whoever saw a treasure in his sleep would get rich, and if he saw that it hit a great deal of money, he would go out of the world as a martyr . And if the king sees that he possesses many treasures and is happy with them, this indicates the demise of his possession . And the treasure may refer to inheritance or worry and distress . And perhaps the treasure refers to the invisible woman, or to what a person treasures, and zakat is forbidden from it . The treasure is a profitable store . Perhaps the treasure refers to the money changer or the essential one, and if a person finds a treasure and there are those who prevent it from reaching it, that indicates the scarce man who refuses zakat, and if he was a scientist, he was stingy with his knowledge, and if he was a dependent he was unfair in his parish . If the seer is a woman, then he indicates her maintenance, and if he does not have any objection, then he indicates that she wasted her money . And the treasure indicates the good boy .