the book

A book is power in a dream, so whoever sees a book with his hand will gain power . And the book is a famous news . If it is in the hand of a boy, then it is good news, and if it is in the hand of a woman, then it is expected . And whoever sees in his hand a folded book, he will soon die . If he sees his book with his right hand, and there is between him and a man of quarrels or doubts, then the statement will come to him, and if he is in agony, then salvation comes to him, and if he is insolvent and distressed, then his affairs are easy . And if he sees his book in his left, he regrets doing it . And the book on the right is a fertile year . And if an unbeliever sees in his hand a Qur’an or an Arabic book, then he is let down and falls into distress or distress . And whoever sees that he tore a book, his worries are gone, and temptations and evils are removed from him, or he will gain good. Likewise, if the believer sees with his hand a Persian book he will be afflicted with humiliation and distress . And whoever saw that he had received a sealed book, he obeyed a king and obeyed him, and he obtained the good, the presidency and a pleasant state in which he obeys both the relative and the distant, even if he is engaged to a woman, he will win . And whoever sees a white book with no writing in it responds from the absent, his news is cut off . Perhaps the book indicates a sociable companion, and the book may indicate relief and innocence from sickness . If he is ignorant of what is in the book, his vision indicates fraud in the industry, anonymous selling, or an elderly woman .