
It is in a dream good news and warning, war and torment, power and imprisonment, loss and sins, and whoever sees fire and has sparks and has sound and commotion, it is a trial in which a world of people perishes . And whoever sees a fire in his heart, that is the love of the victor and the oppression of those who abandon his beloved . And whoever sees two fires, they are military . The higher the fire is with loud smoke, the greater the horror and torment . Whoever lights a fire in a dark night to guide people to the road will receive a flag that guides people, and whoever lights it without darkness, then he is a heresy . And it was said : If you see fire during the day, then it is a sign of war and sedition . And whoever sees that he worships fire, then he loves war, and perhaps he was obeying Satan in his disobedience . And whoever sees that he fires with fire in the winter, he will be rich . And whoever sees that he eats fire, he unjustly eats the money of orphans or eats forbidden money . And whoever sees that he has sold fire and bought a garden, then he sells pigeons and buys a garden, and vice versa . And whoever sees a person entering the fire and being tortured, then he loses his money or commits sins that necessitate the fire . And whoever was hit by the fire and did not burn him, keep his time . And whoever sees the fire burning something of the grain, its price is higher . And the burning fire is a calamity of Sultan . And whoever among the governors sees that he lights a fire while it is extinguished, he shall be isolated and his fire extinguished . And whoever sees a flame of fire on his door without smoke, it indicates Hajj . And the fire in the fingers indicates the injustice of the scribes . And fire in the palm is an injustice in workmanship . And whoever sees a fire that will eat all that has come . On him and it has a tremendous voice, because it is war, plague, smallpox, or death that occurs there . And if he saw that it ascended from a place to heaven, then the people of that place have fought God Almighty with sins . Whoever sees a fire burns some of his clothes or some of his organs, and calamity befalls him . And whoever sees that he is struck by a glow of fire, he will fall into the tongues of people and backfill . And the useful, shining fire is a security of the fearful and nearness to the Sultan . And whoever saw a fire emanating from his home would obtain a state or trade . And whoever saw that a ray of his fire shone from the east to the west, then he will know that he will be mentioned in the east and the west . And if he saw a fire shining from his head, and it had light and rays, and his wife was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy who would prevail and have a great male . And whoever sees that he lights a fire at the top of a mountain, he will draw close to God Almighty or fulfill his needs, and if he is absent, he will return safely . And whoever sees in his skirt a burning fire and is married, then his wife gets pregnant . And the fire in the desert is war . And if he takes a coal from the midst of the fire, then he hits forbidden money from the Sultan . And whoever sets fire to people, I will cause enmity and distaste among them . And whoever has a fire shining from his head, he will be seriously ill . And whoever sees that he is in the midst of the fire and does not find its freedom, then he will obtain truthfulness, certainty, and victory over his enemies . And whoever sees fire is extinguished, and discord dwells . If the fire is in a country, then it is the death of its ruler or its scholar, and if it is extinguished in its garden, then it is his death . And the fire may be indicative of the reckoning because they were created from the fire of poisons, and perhaps it indicated drought and locusts . And whoever saw fire talking in a jar or near it, he would be struck by a jinn . Harmful fire indicates unjust authority, and if people benefit from it, it indicates just authority . And the fire in winter denotes the fruit, as they say : Fire is the winter fruit . Eating fire indicates eating and drinking in forbidden vessels, such as gold and silver . Perhaps she indicated her worshiper . As well as light and darkness .