the dress

The flags on the clothes will travel to the Hajj . And whoever sees that he wears a thin garment under his clothes, then he will have money to save, and his bed will be better than his openness, and if he wears it over his clothes, then he is disliked and he has erred in his religion, is public in debauchery, and a cheeky dress is better than a thin dress . If a woman sees that she has put on a thin garment, it is her honor, and if she wears a thick garment, it is her hard work . And the clothes woven with gold and silver are good in religion and the world and the attainment of death . And whoever thinks that he wears soft clothes of great value, this is a good evidence for the rich and the poor . For the slaves, it indicates the sick . Wearing new clothes for the rich person will improve his livelihood, for the poor have wealth, and the debtor has the right to spend a debt . And whoever takes a bath and puts on new clothes, his grief is gone, and he will be well . And whoever does ablution and does not wear new clothes, what he gets from Faraj does not meet his affairs according to what he agrees with . If the new clothes were torn and torn, and like them cannot be repaired in wakefulness, then they indicate that no child is born to their owner, and if they can be repaired, the wearer is bewitched . And whoever wears two clothes, worn out and interrupted, it is his death . And whoever sees that he is wearing a worn garment, he will become sad and ill . And whoever sees that his garment is torn accidentally, its width shall be torn and struck by them on the side of a wicked man, and if it is torn for a length, his command shall be released from him . And if he sees that his garment is torn, then his religion will be torn apart or his livelihood will diminish . The ugly patchwork of clothes indicates loss and unemployment . And whoever sees wetness in his clothes, he is staying on a journey, and he is locked up for something he has been concerned about, and that is not done for him until after the garment has dried . And whoever sees it as if he was washing his clothes or the clothes of others, this indicates the burden and harm he was exposed to in his pension, and indicates the appearance of hidden things . And whoever sees that all his clothes have been taken away from his authority . Whoever sees that he is wasting clothes, this is a good sign, unless the person who dreams is poor, a slave, a prisoner or a debtor . And whoever sees that he wears women’s clothes, and he has in his conscience that he imitates them, he will suffer from severe and terrible authority . And if he sees that he wore women’s clothes, and thinks that he has a vagina, then his condition will change and be let down . And whoever sees that he has unknown clothing on him, then his heart turns it around as he wished . And whoever sees that he eats his garment, he eats of his money . If he sees in a dream a dog wearing a woolen garment, that indicates the fairness and justice of the Sultan . If he sees a lion wearing a garment of cotton or linen, then he is an unjust ruler who robs people of their money . And the blue clothes are a cloud and an illusion . And whoever saw that he wore a linen garment, he would receive honorable living and permissible money . And removing dirty clothes in a dream, the removal of worries, as well as burning them . Eating new clothes is eating halal money, and eating dirty clothes is eating forbidden money . And buying worn clothes is disliked in interpretation, and wear and tear is poverty . And green clothes are good because they are the clothes of the people of Paradise . If someone sees green clothes, this indicates religion, strength, and increased worship in the living, and the good condition of the dead with God Almighty . Wearing green for the living indicates an inheritance injury, and indicates to the deceased that he emerged from this world as a martyr . And the interpretation of greenness is Islam, and if he thinks that he attained that in his sleep, then he is a pious and religious person . Cold indicates the good of this world and the hereafter . The best black garments are blasphemous, and it is stronger in interpretation than wool . And coldness striped in religion is better than in this world, and coldness than clover is a forbidden money, and if it is of cotton, it is a worldly religious money .